International Sales Training Leader of the Year

The latest best practices on every piece of the sales puzzle

Keynotes, Breakouts, Full-blown Workshops, Consulting

Watch this first! Most critical skill for salespeople:
An explanation of the value of an Objection-Handling Tool.
Keynote Moments – Read (Hidden) Emotions
Dan’s Most Elusive Prospect – True Story
Dan’s Body of Work: Keynote Introduction
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1. The Ultimate Objection-Handling Tool

Eliminate the biggest choke point in selling – buyer resistance – by building a customized model for your company. Shame on us for encountering the same objections every day and not having a variety of tactics for responding. Especially critical for helping new hires to excel quickly.

2. Pain vs. Gain – settling the oldest argument in selling

First Zig Ziglar taught benefits. Along came the belief that pain works best. Both approaches are right and both are wrong. They depend on the prospect
in front of you. Every organization should have two distinct approaches, based on how buyers are motivated to make decisions. Sound psychology married to smart selling.

3. Read (Hidden) Emotions

Gain a great new skill which – in the past – has been kept to law enforcement and military intelligence. It is important to know what someone is thinking & feeling when your goal is to build constructive relationships through leading, coaching or selling. In this unique program, you will experience a special video tool and hands-on coaching to help you increase EQ as you learn to acquire information about buyers you’ve never had access to.

4. The Secret Language of Influence

The most neglected area of any training out there – influential language skills. This program is drawn from key moments out of the book of the same name. This organic experience will serve you both professionally and personally.

5. The One Sales Test You’re Guaranteed to Fail

Great sales pros can answer and act on 3 quick questions. How will you do? After a failing grade, you’ll gain some great tips on selling’s best-practices.

6. Stupid Pet Tricks for Sales Pros

Discover some of the most unusual sales tactics ever devised. Be bold – if you’re brave enough to apply them – in this Master’s level program on language and dynamic questioning skills.

7. The Top 5 Things Sales Pros Need to Know

Adapt the best of the best practices to improve sales team performance. If you wanted to focus on what will most likely impact an increase in selling,
here are the five top elements. This can be a quick overview (keynote) or deep learning (training).

8. One Great Opening is Worth 10,000 Closes

If your people don’t open well, they’ll never get close to the close. How to truly take charge of your sales calls, with buyer agreement, to avoid stalls, close more, or at least attain a legitimate next step. The most revolutionary, psychologically-sound and potent sales strategy in the last 30 years!

9. The Excuse Elimination Diet

Drawing from over 1,000 page and 70 research studies (some quite bizarre), this program can show your sales team members how to eliminate excuse-
making in their lives. Your sales managers will be the first to notice the difference.

10. Ultimate Questioning Skills

Top performing sales pros are defined by their ability to ask great questions. In this experience, you’ll build a book of questions for every sales scenario,
with the key focus on each sales person creating their “must get answered” 5 Power Questions.

11. The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training or Ultimate Sales Training Experience

A two-day workshop to help you build a world-class training program for your sales team. Past attendees have included a global list of top companies. Includes the CAT scan Diagnostic for analyzing potency of existing training.

12. Sales Autopsy!

Drawing from the best of 600+ funny sales blunders, learn key selling practices. Includes the Confession Session with prizes for your team members brave enough to share their most embarrassing moments.

BONUS for ALL PROGRAMS — Confession Session!

Fun, often hilarious experience where your reps can share their stupid mistakes. You’ll be shocked at how team members have crashed and burned in their (hidden) past lives! These all become learning moments as Dan draws out lessons and dishes out a variety of unique prizes (The Sales Comic Book, Revenge of the Reps video game and more).

All of these programs can be presented as a keynote or training experience. When you realize what an impact this can have on sales performance, you’ll want Dan to come and build these into your normal selling process (you have one, right?). All guaranteed not to conflict or compete with your current systems.

Contact… Dan to work with your team and improve performance today