Dan Seidman, CEO

Dan began his journey into selling in a search firm where his success moved him into a sales leadership role that encompassed training. His love for leading sales staff to make more money was born.
Dan was recognized as the International Sales Training Leader of The Year in 2013 for his work as a globally-recognized speaker, consultant & sales trainer who has coached and consulted from Vietnam to Venezuela and across the US.
Dan’s body of work can be found in The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training, a 544- page encyclopedia of best-practices on every piece of the sales puzzle. Dan has also designed (with Wendy) the 14-part sales accelerators training tool for the Association of Talent Development, world’s leading training organization, with over 40,000 members.
He is the author of #1 business best-seller, Sales Autopsy. In the book, Dan reveals the top seven traits that distinguish world class sales professionals from the rest of the selling world.
His most recent work is The Secret Language of Influence®. This timely book on psychologically-sound selling strategies is currently available as a keynote and training program.
Sales Training — What’s Missing? Dan Seidman’s wildly popular program at the ATD Global Training Conference revealed 20+ new elements to add to your existing training, in order to help your sales pros attain selling nirvana. Some examples:
- Pain vs. Gain – what best motivates buyers to buy? We can finally settle the oldest argument in selling. Every organization should have two distinct approaches, based on how buyers are motivated to make decisions. Sound psychology married to smart selling.
- The Ultimate Objection-Handling Tool – buyer resistance creates chokepoints through every step of the selling process. In this highly interactive intervention, I will facilitate the sales team to build its own tool (so they’ll have true ownership and use it). If you don’t have a sales process in place, this could be the highest value you offer your team, especially rookie reps. Ask me about a case study on this amazing workshop. It has been my most requested consulting work in the past 10 years.
- Debrief your Own Call – sales team members can improve quickly, with the constant observation and input of sales managers. Unfortunately, managers aren’t always available to debrief every sales call. Here the salesperson is taught to debrief themselves. This is smart selling at it smartest. And you might just develop & discover your next manager.
Dan is a World Master’s Athlete with three gold medals playing on the U.S. basketball team. Like all elite athletes and sales pros, he hates losing as much as he loves winning.
In 2018 Dan and Wendy Seidman launched the North American Training Center for Dr. Ekman’s work on Reading Emotions, Truth & Lie Detection. This work was previously restricted to law enforcement and military intelligence.
This elite emotional intelligence training has now been re-designed for business professionals. Leaders, salespeople, coaches and hiring staff can know what someone is feeling, gain access to information they’ve previously never been able to see.
For details on this fascinating training experience, visit our sister site: www.ReadEmotions.com
There you will find a fascinating whitepaper – A Superpower for Business Pros.

Wendy Seidman, Chief Learning Officer

Wendy kicked off her career with Shell Oil where she moved from a successful selling role, acquiring a great deal of awards, into training. She worked there with Business Owners (Oil Companies and Stations) to run successful operations by strengthening a wide range of skills including leadership, people management, financials and sales.
- Producer of global leadership events. At the peak, ran 9 conferences a year, each with 60-100 breakout sessions.
- Designed courses have generated over $40M in revenue and reached over 2,000,000 people.
- Products include video training, workshops, leadership tools, train-the-trainer and more.
- As an expert in train-the-trainer she created a 6-step training process created for non-trainers to effectively train others. Over 300 people/speakers were coached to adopt this 6-step process.
- Conducted product launches with training and train-the-trainer experiences in the U.S., Germany, Poland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
- Gold Medallion winner in publishing.
- Created learning strategies for a wide variety of organizations.
- Consulting Clients include Marcus Buckingham, Amway, ATD, ConEdison (New York City utility company), ECFA (Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability) and Trinity International University (Doctor of Ministry program)
- Work with Subject Matter Experts to turn books into viable and profitable interactive experiences.
- Published Training Curriculum/Courses:
- Network
(Spiritual Gifts course: Bruce Bugbee, Don Cousins, Bill Hybels) - Becoming a Contagious Christian (BACC)
(Evangelism course: Mark Mittelberg, Lee Strobel, Bill Hybels) - BACC Student Edition
(Evangelism course: Mark Mittelberg, Lee Strobel, Bill Hybels with Bo Boshers) - Ordinary Day with Jesus
(Spiritual Formation course: John Ortberg and Ruth Barton) - Good Sense
(financial management/stewardship and budget course: Dick Towner and John Toffilon) and Freed Up revision course - ReGroup/Making Your Small Group Work
(Small Group Skills curriculum: John Townsend, Henry Cloud and Bill Donahue) - Igniting a Life of Generosity
(Devotional book for ECFA—Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) - Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters Workbook
(Meg Meeker) - Emotionally Healthy Skills
(Small Groups course: Pete and Geri Scazzero) - Ignite
(Teen leadership course: Lead Like Jesus {Blanchard, Hodges})

- B.S.—Indiana University (Kelley School of Business, marketing concentration)
- M.R.E. (Masters of Religious Education)—Trinity Seminary, Deerfield, IL
In 2018 Dan and Wendy Seidman launched the North American Training Center for Dr. Ekman’s work on Reading Emotions, Truth & Lie Detection. This work was previously restricted to law enforce and military intelligence.
This elite Emotional Intelligence training has now been re-designed for business professionals. Leaders, salespeople, coaches and hiring staff can know what someone is feeling, gain access to information they’ve previously never been able to see.
For details on this fascinating training experience, visit our sister site: www.ReadEmotions.com
There you will find a fascinating whitepaper – A Superpower for Business Pros.