"Dan, you are my muse. Your coaching completely revived our company’s sales."
Susan Berkley Great Voice Company, author of Speak to Influence
“Your presentation can only be described as wildly successful! Both experienced and new women entrepreneurs were fascinated by your stories and the unusual selling strategies you shared during the course of the evening. These women business owners will be able to use what they learned from you for many years to come.”
Sara Shifrin Women’s Business Development Center of Chicago
“Dan Seidman’s presentation on sales training was most electrifying and enjoyable. It ranked as one of the best programs of the year.”
Elliott Black Institute of Management Consultants
“Dan, we employed that selling strategy you taught and landed 500 new sales and commitments to buy in one week! I’ve never had anything like this occur in my career.”
Mike Theisen National Sales Manager Savory Foods
“Fantastic, beyond our expectations! You nailed 600 of us old sales pros with your opening question. Immediately after your keynote six of our area directors asked about you coming to speak in their cities.”
Jim Sirbasku CEO - Profiles International
“Dan, you are the hilarious new voice for sales professionals and entrepreneurs. We’re glad we booked you again this year.”
Russ Look Jackson National Life Insurance
“When you got confessions of sales blunders from our people, it was one of the funniest conference experiences I’ve ever had!”
Ken Nelson President - Bremer Bank
“I’ve booked Dan three times for corporate and association events. He’s the perfect keynote to open a sales conference.”
Ray Ohlson The Ohlson Group (retired CEO of Standard Insurance, a billion dollar company)
“Dan, we more than tripled our sales activity in one week using that wild strategy you taught. It’s now part of our quarterly selling initiative.”
Scott Stevens Senior Managing Director, Ziegler Financial Services
“This is a rare book. Not only does it teach you what not to do, it delivers the lesson in such a way that you can die laughing. I spit all over my computer screen when I read one of the stories. The last time I laughed this hard was when I was a kid and milk came out my nose. I love this book. Devour it and it will help you make more money while keeping you from making a fool of yourself. Learn from Dan. He’s the man.”
Joe Vitale author of way too many books to list, including There’s A Customer Born Every Minute
“This is great stuff! Some people are funny and some people are terrific sales trainers. You're the first person I have met who is a truly funny and impactful sales trainer. There’s no better tonic than the occasional shot of humility. Anyone who has ever sold anything has been there. From reading this I had a great laugh, a chance to poke
fun at myself as a sales person and I learned a ton. Thank you.”Donald A. Connelly Senior Marketing Officer, Putnam Retail Management
“Here’s the first book that educates people on what no longer works, and does it with real examples that also happen to be very funny. This book leads you to sales success—and offers you a few laughs along the way.”
Rieva Lesonsky Editorial Director, Entrepreneur Magazine
"Sales Autopsy shows you how to make fewer mistakes and more sales,faster and easier than you may have thought possible."
Brian Tracy best-selling author
“This book proves that nobody is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example. Dan Seidman is the best example of a 180- degree U-turn in selling strategy in the world—he brings the dead (sales) back to life.”
Jeffrey Gitomer author, The Sales Bible
“Dan Seidman provides the sugar that helps the medicine go down in the form of humor that enlightens as it tickles.”
Jay Conrad Levinson author, Guerrilla Marketing series of books
“We can learn valuable lessons from the experience of others. Dan's collection of sales horror stories can help both the new and experienced salesperson avoid dangerous pitfalls. I encourage you to read the stories and apply the lessons you learn.”
Peter Handal President & CEO Dale Carnegie Training
“After reading this book, every sales manager will ask a few more questions about the prospects that never became customers. There may be more to the story of the troubled customer who seems indecisive. He may have been scared off by a Sales Dinosaur!”
Sam Reese President, Miller Heiman Sales Training
“Often, we learn best from the mistakes of other people – and these lessons stay with us longer. This book is a creative, enjoyable, non- traditional look at what has ot worked in the lives of other sales reps.”
The Sandler Sales Institute
“Stories so funny they have to be true! And that’s why they’re so useful—must reading for anyone who sells for a living (or wants to).”
Seth Godin mega-best-selling author
"Each chapter includes exercises to anchor the learning. Each chapter kicks off the learning moment with a sales war story, a humorous anecdote, even a joke. Each chapter just might be the one piece that plugs the gap in your team’s performance. Dan is truly earning the title Trainer to the World’s Sales Trainers."
Willis Turner CAE CSE, President and CEO of Sales & Marketing Executives International www.SMEI.org
“Sales professionals throughout the world will discover performance improvement through this training encyclopedia. And, we’re pleased that Dan Seidman is helping to make sales training a major strategic driver for all organizations.”
Tony Bingham President and CEO of ASTD
"This book should be on the desk of every sales manager and sales trainer. Dan Seidman created a treasure chest of ideas, concepts, skills-sets and motivation tools that are ready to be converted into cash."
Gerhard Gschwandtner Founder & Publisher of Selling Power Magazine